Struttura Polispecialistica Accreditata con il S.S.N.


Home Hospitalization


Anyone can access our facility following a trauma, an accident or a work accident, upon confirmation of bed availability (for further information contact the clinic switchboard) or by orthopedic evaluation. This type of hospitalization is also covered by our agreement with the national health service.


A medical examination from one of our specialists is always necessary before hospitalization. Then, the patient who needs surgery will be put on a waiting list, managed in line with regional and national regulations.

Chronological order is followed but priority will be given to any urgent cases reported by the proposing specialist.

If the patient is insured, the Admissions Office will carry out the paperwork required by the relevant agreement (all active agreements can be consulted at the address


A few days before the surgery, you will go to the private clinic for pre-hospitalization which may involve various specialist consultations. You will need to be fasting and to respect the schedule arranged with the clinic staff. You will need to bring your  health card, a valid identity card, a sample of morning urine in a sterile container (only for major surgeries), all your health documentation (reports of laboratory tests or instrumental investigations, medical records of previous admissions etc.) and a up-to-date list of all medications you are currently taking.

For further information contact the

Admissions office

 from Monday to Friday, from 8.30 to 15.30